Yesterday we played our first 2 vs 2 match of TANKS by Galeforce 9 with 150 points each player. We did not add any custom or official addon rules except for minefields and destroyable scenery:
"When a V1 rocket gets hit it eplodes giving everything in 3 inch range one critical hit.
And we use dice (the purple dice) instead of the game's normal movement markers."
After the dice decided which team was the attacker/defender and the scenery and troops was placed the table looked like this:
The battlefield in its glory |
The attacking platoons |
The attackers were played by the Padawan and me. Our british platoon, played by teammate, had 3 Comets, 1 Sherman V, 1 Sherman Firefly and 1 Crusader. The second platoon was played by me and had 4 Sherman 76mm and a Pershing.
The defenders ready to beginn |
The defenders had 2 platoons of German tanks. The first platoon was played by Mr.Burnz and had 2 Panther, two Panzer IV and 1 Tiger (early). My Mate Olli played the other platoon that consisted 2 Panthers, 1 Panzer IV, 1 StuG 3 and 1 Tiger (early).
First blood |
It felt like 80 hours until the first shots were fired but from this points the game gained more speed. It was still some kind of chaos moving and shooting 20+ tanks with some of them having a higher initiative for shooting then for moving.
The defenders crossing the river |
The German tanks started to push over the river, 2 of them were already destroyed while their opponents still and no losses. As their opponensts we decided to rush into the enemy but my teammate had to leave us soon that I had to play his tank platoon to finish the game.
The first Comet is gone |
The game continued and the Panthers were demonstrating their strenght easily destroying a Comet tank. One the left side you can see the lucky Crusader tank who survived a hit by the Tiger in the side over near distance with losing only one hitpoint.
The game went on but it was too late that we decided to end it. The winning side was the side with the most destroyed enemy's points and that victory went to the Padawan and me. The picture below shows the battlefield after the last round.
The battlefield after finishing the match |
The game was great fun, even when it sometimes got a little chaotic, but there are still some improvements to make to smooth the gameplay but those things are already on the workbench.
And we should build something to store the decks ingame, we had to use an ironing board and a clothes drying rack for our cards.