Showing posts with label Work from friends. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Work from friends. Show all posts

June 9, 2018

Komm, wir gehen
nach Panama

Yesterday the Montagsmaler went rogue and met, even when it was Friday. My mate continued the paintjob on his German tanks, last week we removed the old paint, basecoated them, and gave them a first layer of paint.
While Olli removed the masking tape from his Tiger, the tank's paintjob looks somehow like the Tigerente from German children's book author Janosch.

At the moment I am preparing a handful of post for the next days, a lot of stuff piled up in the past few days that a I would like to show you.

May 16, 2018

Revell 1:144
Ju 87b Stuka
Todays W.I.P.

Two pictures of Revell's 1:144 Micro Wings Stuka kit. Revell's Micro Wings range offered 16 world war 2 planes in 1:144 scale made from moulds from the early seventies. My mate Olli made pictures of another two Revell Micro Wings fighters which he will publish in his blog soon (update: this post).

Due to the age of the kits' moulds there was a lot of flash and some parts did not went together without putty and some mild violence. I painted it with the brush, using masking tape for the camouflage pattern. While I am not 100 percent satisfied with the results, it will be a decent game piece.
The (still unfinished) diorama base was made with a picture frame and some cartonage.

Today my mate Olli joined me for another Montagmaler session. Our roguish goals for today are to build two Zwezda "Art of Tactics" 1:144 planes, I will try to build a Sd.Kfz. 215/20 "UHU" from the PSC Sd.Kfz.251/D kit and the Heer46 UHU conversion kit. Olli wants to remove its paint before he starts to repaint one of his Tigers. Maybe we will build and paint some more stuff, but the clock is ticking.


Later in the evening I will post some pictures of today's progress.

November 19, 2010

28 mm Undead Army

At the moment I am concentrating on finishing my small Undead army. There is still a lot to finish but I hope that my mate Olli and I can start a first game this year.
We will play the Warhammer 5th edition or maybe the fourth edition, Olli has still his mid 90ies dwarf army and can play both editions with his army book. For the undead that I play I can have two different armies depending on which edition we play. 
But all of this a big work in progress, there are a lot of minis to paint, a lot of words have to be read und understood before.
Here are now the first elements of my undead. They will be a mix of Mantic figures and old GW minis, I like the old GW minis more then their actual style. 
The first picture shows, what I already finished, two regiments of skeleton warriors, bats and 2 heroes. The undead horse is a conversion of a claymore Saga horse and a skeleton horse.
Only the bases are unfinished.

UPDATE: Find better pictures of the Undead army here:

The next step is to finish my Mantic Zombies, I already glued them and painted their skin, but there is a lot of painting and detailing before they are finished.
I mixed the Zombie parts with the parts of the Mantic Gouls to get a wider variety of poses but my Zombies and Ghouls now look a little similar. I had to visit a supermarket and ask for some bottlecaps, I did not had enough.
UPADTE: Find better pictures of the Undead army here:

When I finished the Zombies I will paint my first wolfes, they are crude mutants made from Clyamore Saga wolfes, skeleton horses, metal wolf heads and milliput.

The last pictures will show my eternal enemy, all these dwarfs were painted arround 1995, at this time my mate Olli did not know washs and drybrushing, he will repaint some parts of them when he gets the time for it.