Before I will continue the presentation of my painted Volkssturm figures I would like to present an interesting book. I got it last week from ebay and it was cheap, approximately 5 Euros including postage. It contains a lot of pictures (700+) of tanks and some useful informations. Maybe it is not the best book about WW2 tanks, but I think, that the price relationship is good.

A lot of tanks are showed, the main focus is on german tanks, allied and soviet tanks are shown too. The language is German but I think that most of the informations should be able to be translated simply, like for example with babelfish that I also partly use for this blog.

Its a cheap book for beginners, some of the drawings seem like they are based on photos. In my opinion it is a simple but good source for beginners, because it contains many suggestions to painting of models .You can find it at Amazon, sometimes at the German section of ebay and at other book traders.
Jean Restain "Panzer und Kettenfahrzeuge des zweiten Weltkriegs"
ISBN 3828953301