Some little changes were made to the Truck, I had to replace the frontlights because the old were used somewhere else. In addition I changed the loading area.
It was first painted with Revell Aquacolor Afrikabraun (#36117), then it got a mild wash with Citadel Badab Black, after that it was heavily drybrushed with Revell Aquacolor Beige (#36314).
The Flak 38 was built out the box, the only parts that I did not use were the supports for the shield, I could not figure out where to use them because I had no real construction plan for it. It was painted with some selfmixed grey, after that I drybrushed it with Revell Aquacolor Afrikabraun (#36117) and Revell Aquacolor Beige (#36314).
An old CD as a base? That's a good idea! I remember reading about one chap who used them to put model trees on, to create mini forests, but as bases for dioramas...great idea!
Sieht super aus. Hätte nicht gedacht, dass man aus dem Airfix Bausatz so viel rausholen kann. Und die FlaK ist spitze!
I got this tip from the Miniature Zone homepage (old version), it's a simple but good looking base for vehicle presentation.
danke, der Bausatz lag hier lange rum, weil ich dachte, der taugt eh nix. Jedoch hat der Bau echt spaß gemacht. Die FlaK ist echt super, im selben Bausatz ist auch noch ein Vierling enthalten, mal schauen wofür ich den benutze.
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