January 3, 2019

First Fail
Of 2019

Some armoured Soviet vehicles from Pegasus Models. Painted with Revell Aquacolor, followed by a mild drybrush and a decent green wash. The KV-2s and the BA-6s got some metal barrels from RB Models. I built them some years ago and painted them roughly 6 weeks ago.

Yesterday I wanted to finish the tanks. I added decals from the sparebook, but since I was distracted the whole time by various things, I forgot to add some glosscoat before I went on. After the first decals were applied, I thought, maybe this time I could do it without.

A bad mistake, as you can see on the pictures, the decals began silvering. This could be solved with a thin brush and some color, as I did on this IS2, there are no traces left of the silvering decals on the turret.

But then the real shit happened. I read somewhere in the net, that Revell Aquacolor colors can be mixed with ethanol for the best results. I mixed up some matte clear coat and made a testpiece, everything seemed alright.
When I started to seal the models I did not see what would happen next. I had to hurry because I had to work that evening. One layer here, one layer there and soon all kits were finished and stashed aside to let them dry completely.

As result, the clear matte coat got milky, very milky. I think it was because of the ethanol. A very annoying result, it would be no problem to repaint the tanks, but the decals are gone.

The next time I will show them, they will have a proper paintjob.

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